Teleophthalmology: Frequently Asked Questions

What is oDocs teleophthalmology?

oDocs teleophthalmology is a web-based telemedicine platform for eye care via video link. It is designed to allow an ophthalmologist to guide a GP to provide a visual link to the patient without the ophthalmologist needing to be there. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a slit lamp to examine the patient's eyes. By not requiring an ophthalmologist to travel to a patient, it can save time and money and speed up patient eye care.

How does it work?

Teleophthalmology uses a browser in conjunction with the providers/patients webcam and/or smartphone camera and microphone. No software or apps are needed for installation. A provider only needs to sign up and give their waiting room URL to their patient.

How do I sign up?

A provider can sign up for free at:

Just click on 'Sign up' and follow the prompts.

What are the minimum system requirements?

Teleophthalmology requires a system with a modern browser such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari with a camera and microphone. So, the teleophthalmology system can be used on a PC, Mac and most smartphones.

How do I begin a call?

A provider starts a call by logging into their account with their browser. At the top of the provider's screen, there will be a link and a 'Copy' button which can be clicked to copy the URL and sent to the patient. The provider can send the link to their patient via email or other means. The provider then clicks 'Launch Meeting,' granting permission for their browser to use their camera and microphone.

The patient clicks on the link given by the provider, enter their name and then click on the button at the bottom left which has the name of their doctor on it. The patient also needs to permit their browser to use their camera and microphone. Once both patient and doctor have followed these steps the video call should commence.